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Laurean Kile
Laurean is passionate about helping individuals discover and
unlock the foundational keys to creating a business and life
that is more than they had ever imagined.
Laurean offers several God inspired coaching programs and courses
and business consulting services in collaboration
with a team of experts to help your business
Launch, Grow and Expand!
God has given her the ability to help call out the seeds of greatness
in others and to encourage them to
get out of the boat and walk on the water!
“When people are living from their God given
identity and authority, co-creating
from their place of passion, they already Are Success!
You will never fail if you are willing
to share the gifts and talents
that God has placed inside of you.!"
~ Laurean
Seeking Encouragement ? We can help!
Launch Collective Consulting works in collaboration
with a team of experts.
When Collective Minds Gather, The Impossible Becomes Possible!
- Available OnlineRead More
Were you are today does not determine your Destiny, your VISION does!
1 hr 30 min
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